Happy New Year!!! How you doing? Has 2025 been treating you well? If so, I am so very happy for you. You deserve all the blessings, joy, peace, and prosperity your heart can hold! Take advantage of this moment of happiness and hold it close to your soul so you can always remember that there ARE good moments in life. If the year hasn’t started off kind to you, don’t worry, you WILL be okay. Life is hard, and sometimes it knocks us down. But I promise you, as I always say, this moment is temporary even if it feels permanent. Hold your head up Sis, even if you feel you don’t have a reason to. If you are reading this that means you are alive another day, that means you have sound mind to understand the words you see, and that also means you have your sight. Just those things alone should put half of a smile on your face. Hang in there, you can make it through these tough times, I promise you will get to the other side. Alrighty, you know I have to give my pep talk ever so often, and now we can jump into today’s topic.
As we settle into 2025, I want to remind you to do one thing this year. . . Take care of yourself! And I’m not talking about getting your hair done, or your nails, or even going to a spa. I’m talking about a deeper level of self-care that we often forget to do as mothers.
You take care of your kid(s) right? You know, the basic things that we do as moms: feed our children, clothe them, pick them up from school and/or day care, the basics. But we also, for the most part, have them on some sort of routine. They wake up at a certain time (especially when school starts), they eat at a certain time, and they go to bed at a certain time. All of these things have a rhythm. I’m sure you’ve noticed that if you divert from this routine in any way, your kid can fall apart at the drop of a hat. I bet you are diligent in making sure to follow the routine as closely as you can to avoid your child falling apart. And listen Sis, if you’re not the mom that has a routine, that’s okay. I’m willing to bet that you have some sort of a system that you follow for your kids, be it cooking dinner at a certain time, washing clothes on a certain day, you do something with intentionality for your kid to make sure that they are taken care of.
The key word here is. . . intentionality. As mothers we do things on purpose to make sure our kids are taken care of. We have a plan and a course of action. But when it comes to us, do we have that same intentionality about our needs? Do we follow our own routines because we know it’s best for us? Most likely your answers are the same as mine. . . NO! But I’m here to remind you that in 2025 you need to take care of yourself with intentionality. And here is why.
For Your Kids
Contrary to what you believe, if you are not taking care of yourself, you are NOT taking care of your kids! It doesn’t matter how great of a mother you are and how on top of all the routines you are, if your kids witness you tired, burnt out, and stressed you are not being a good model. Now listen, I know, I know, I’m being a bit harsh, and this is easier said than done. But I promise, I have not arrived yet, so I am talking to myself as well. The truth is, if you are always there for your kids and putting their needs before your needs, you’re only teaching them to do that as adults. Do you want to see your child taking care of everyone else when they get older and neglecting themselves? No, I know you don’t. So don’t show them those behaviors of caring for everyone else before you care for yourself!
For Your Environment
The way we feel is usually reflected in our environment. If we are neglecting ourselves and not taking care of ourselves, 9 times out of 10 that shows up in our space. Our environment may be messier than usual or feel more tense than usual. We must pay attention to these things and think about how caring for ourselves is directly related to our environment, because our environment is what holds us (literally). And I want you to think about your environment in a broader way. Not just as your home. But think of your environment as your work space, your car (if you have one), and your purse or your daily bag. Think of all the main spaces that you frequent in your day to day routine as part of your environment. These are areas that hold energy, that reflect how you are truly feeling, and how well you are taking care of yourself. So remember, if you aren’t taking care of yourself, most likely you’re not taking care of the sanctity of your environment.
For YOU!!!
Now Sis, you want to know the most important reason why you should take care of yourself? Girl it’s YOU!!! You are the vessel for which everything flows, and if you want to pour out life, love, and peace, you have to be willing to give yourself some life, love, and peace. Listen, I know it’s hard to put yourself first. I promise I do. As I write to you, I am literally preaching to myself in this moment, because I too find it hard to figure out ways to take care of myself. But guess what? In 2025, I plan on showing up for myself with intentionality just like I show up for my girls. I plan on making sure I’m FULLY taking care of myself, even when I’m dog tired. You know why? Because I show up for my girls even when I’m tired, so why can’t I show up for myself even if I’m tired? Just like we push through for our kids, we have to push through for ourselves.
Find ways to be intentional when taking care of yourself. Be intentional with the meals you eat and how you are literally feeding your body. Try drinking more water, passing on that heavily loaded pasta, and eating a salad instead. Be intentional with the time you take grooming yourself. Maybe you can get some special body soap, a pretty colored towel to dry yourself off with, or simply light a candle while you shower (but be safe with that candle if you have little kids). Be intentional with the moments you get to yourself. Read a book, sit in silence, take a nap, allow yourself to clear your mind. However you decide to begin taking better care of yourself, be intentional with what you do, because remember we are the vessel from which everything flows, especially to our children. Until the next time I decide to show up in your inbox, make sure you do something that will help you Bloom Into Your Best Self. . .