Hey Girl!
I hope you are doing well today. If not, as I always say, remember this stage is temporary. Today, I really am excited to share an experience with you, so instead of my normal introductory pep talk, I want to encourage you to keep reading because this will lift you up if you happen to be feeling down. This will be quick and to the point (fingers crossed lol), with the hopes that my raw feelings will inspire you.
A few months ago I had an experience that touched my heart when I examined my process further. In July I took a swim class, which required me to go to the pool two times a week for three weeks. Now, just to put things in context for you. . . I CANNOT swim and I'm sort of scared of the water. As long as my feet can touch the bottom of the pool I'm okay, but if it starts creeping into the deep end we have a problem. Going under water, kicking on kickboards, floating, NONE of that is my thing! But as a mom, I need to know how to swim, it's a safety concern and need.
You see my girls are 5 and 3, and although I have put them in swim classes, I NEED to know how to swim in case something happens and I need to help them out. Yes, my husband can swim and if he is there he can help them out. But my motivation for learning was from the thought of: what if he happens to not be around? Or God forbid both girls need help if they end up getting into trouble in the water. So. . . I signed up for this class in July.
Honestly, I initially dreaded EVERY MOMENT of it. The class was late, which caused mom guilt to set in. I felt bad for missing dinner with my girls and some of their bedtime routine. I also had to get over the embarrassment of being this whole big adult going to a swim class that was mostly designed for children. That was a mental task in and of itself. On top of that, I had to GET in the water and actually TRY to swim, which was a mental exercise (and physical one) to say the least. Nevertheless, I showed up to my first class with the intention of needing to learn how to swim for my girls.
Over the course of a few weeks, I learned to front float, I practiced kicking on the kickboard, and by the end of the class, I was sort of kicking across the pool and SOMEWHAT staying afloat. I started to enjoy going to the class, not only was it for my girls, but it became something for me too. I continued to go, and I continued to learn. I even faced my maximum fear by treading in EIGHT FEET of water (with a swim noodle and a swim instructor there of course).
My point is, I ended up LOVING this swim class, all because I was willing to try something new. I loved it so much that I actually felt sad on the last class. I found myself caught of guard with this new hunger to find a pool to practice in (but only up to 4 feet, let's not get besides ourselves lol). Again, this hunger and desire to swim was all because of my decision to try something new.
Since the end of that class in July, I have gone to the gym and practiced what I learned in the pool several times. I kick around in the pool and am able to sort of swim for as long as I can hold my breath, then I sink, and I try it again. Sometimes, I look completely ridiculous in the pool and feel a bit self conscious, but that subsides quickly because I get a good internal chuckle at my process. You see, I am soothing my inner child because ultimately, I am playing in the water, which is good for my soul. The pool is now something I enjoy. I have my little swim bag packed, and actually find myself annoyed when I don't have time to go to the pool. And again, keep in mind that I still CANNOT swim YET. However, the joy I get from going to the pool comes from my leap in trying something new. By trying something new, I found something for me in the process.
As moms, we have to sometimes be willing to step out of our comfort zone not just for our kids, but for US. As women, we have to sometimes decide to shake things up, not just for those around us, but because WE need something different. It does something good for you when you introduce your brain to something new, no matter how hard or scary it may be. So I encourage you to try that NEW thing you have been wanting to do, or that NEW meal you have been wanting to cook. Just try something NEW and see how your mind, body, and soul responds. Until the next time I decide to show up in your inbox, I hope this encourages you to find your something new so that you can Bloom Into Your Best Self. . .